Tea + Luna = Téluna

To help Generation Z get better rest at night,Téluna, a wellness package, will provide a weighted blanket and a complimentary box of tea.


How can we reduce the daily stress of Generation Z?

Gen Z Research

Garnham, Chloe. “The Gen Z Mental Health wave - what is causing the surge?” HealthMatch, 2 September 2022, https://healthmatch.io/blog/the-gen-z-mental-health-wave-what-is-causing-the-surge. Accessed 9 December 2022.

Rakuten Insight. "Products or Non-digital Services Purchased in The past Year to Improve Mental Wellness in The Philippines as of May 2022." Statista, Statista Inc., 22 Jun 2022, https://www.statista.com/statistics/1320824/philippines-products-or-services-bougt-for-mental-wellness/


People within Gen Z are experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety. 

One of the main methods Gen Z uses to improve mental health is a product like weighted blankets. 

Weighted blankets help relieve stress and anxiety. The experience is like a hug. 

Adding in tea will help increase self-care.


Get a better night’s rest.


Nantucket Historical Association